Thursday, August 25, 2011


Something strange happened when Mike uploaded some pics of Rowan tonight. When he opened the windows view finder to edit a few pictures, they completely disappeared. He searched the entire computer, including the trash, they are NO WHERE. Thankfully he had the pictures opened in a different edit program, and was able to copy the pictures. We were pretty upset, especially since they were super cute pictures of Rowan. Here is one of them.

I got to Liam's school a little early to pick him up. His teacher was reading to the kids, so I waited a little bit, and got this cute picture...

'Spying on Liam'


Becky said...

That little Rowan is so beautiful, what a great shot. I'm glad you found it. It's fun to be a fly on the wall and see Liam at school. He sure seems to be liking it this year.

Erica P. said...

Super cute!