Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sequoia Update

(I found this picture of Me and Sequoia taken 4-3-03)

So it's been a few months since we found out that Sequoia has cancer. At the time she had had the runs for several weeks, and was vomiting, and not eating much. Her tumor was swollen and also put off a fowl smell. We didn't think she had much time left. The vet gave her a shot of steroid, and shortly after her symptoms started to improve. Although, her tumor is more swollen and continues to smell, and bleed. She often falls on the hardwood floors and has a hard time getting up, and often needs help. She also has a difficult time with the 4 stairs when she goes out to the backyard. She has fallen trying to go up and down the stairs, and often needs help getting up. Over the last couple of months she has also been pooping in the house which is something she didn't do before. Yesterday I came home to see her laying down where she had pooped on the floor! Mike has been trying to tell me for several weeks now that it's time, but I have been avoiding the decision. I just HATE making that decision, but as much as I am sad about it, I'm starting to think that he is right. We are thinking that we will have to make that dreadful appointment within the next month or so. I hope to make her feel happy and comfortable and loved in her last days.


Becky said...

That's a beautiful picture. I feel for you and your decision, I sure hate the idea of having to make that decision for Wils, although he's doing very well, Koko has made such a difference in his life.

desertortoise said...

Very nice picture of you two. I would hate making that decision too, makes me sad to think about it. Send Sequoia love from us too!

Tiff said...

I'm sorry that is has come to that. I know that she has had a wonderful life with you two.

Unknown said...

Good Luck. Sounds like you guys have a date set now? I will be thinking of you!!