Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's a.....

So we had our mid-way ultrasound today, and found out that it's a GIRL! I was really surprised! I really thought it was a boy, and before she announced it she had said 'Oh, he's touching his toes there.' So I figured she knew, and accidentally said 'he' before telling us. My reaction was, what?! really?!?! So far everything is looking good. She looks healthy and well. The only concern that they have, and want to watch is that the placenta is laying low. She said that in 85-90% of cases it will move to the correct position, but if it does not, than I will have to have a C-section. I'm really hoping it moves because I really prefer not to do that. Unlike Liam's ultrasound, the baby gave us a really great profile shot, and lots of others too. Liam was being stubborn during his Ultrasound, and would not give us a profile shot, and the tech ended up only giving us a gender shot of him. Unfortunately, their recording equipment was not working, so we did not get a video today. But, she said that she can make one for us at my next appointment.

Also, I have another due date. At the first U.S. they were saying December 8th, and the Dr. was saying December 4th, if you go by my cycle....but today they said December 3rd, so we figure we will go by that one since it's the most recent measurement.

We also are pretty sure we have a name picked out too. Although I really hesitate to share because of people's reactions....But I will share anyway.....For the first several weeks we kept thinking of names...and one day we were watching a movie and heard the name...we were originally thinking of it for a boy, but later I asked Mike what he thought of the name for a girl. He actually liked it, and we haven't thought of another girl name since. In fact we started calling the baby this name, and it seems to have stuck. Pretty similar to how we named Liam too! We are really liking the name is a unique name, but its familiar enough that it makes the top 1000 SSA list. In fact it was ranked 469 in 2008. Anyway, we reserve the right to change the name right up until we write it on the birth certificate, but for now that is what we will be calling her.

*Rest of pics can be seen on the on side>>*


Becky said...

We are so excited. You'll have to let me know if you want blankets and swaddlers. I've been so bored it will be fun to make some if you want them.
Love you,

Unknown said...

Wow! A girl ... so much different from a boy ha ha. It will be great for you guys! Congrats! And you know what? I really like Rowan. I think that is really cute. I always liked that for a boy, but I think I like it even better on a girl!