Monday, July 13, 2009

Baby # 2 (19 Weeks)

So after the Ultra Sound tech told us our baby was a girl, the rest of the appointment was a blur. She had told us that I had a low placenta. I did ask her what that meant, and she had said that in most cases it fixes itself, but if it does not than I would need a C-section. The following day I went about my business as usual, and did a 20 min. workout on the elliptical. Afterward, I got to wondering if there was anything I should be doing or not doing with this issue. I got on the Internet, and others with this issue had said their Dr. had told them not to exercise or do heavy housework, etc. So, I called the Dr.'s office to see what the deal was. The Dr. was not in the office, but I was able to talk to a nurse. She told me to 'take it easy' over the weekend and she would talk to the Dr. and call me back on Monday...and she did. She said that I should not be working out, this includes yoga, housework, pelvic rest, lifting anything over 20 lbs. (which Liam is), etc. I am pretty bummed about this because I had been doing so well, and feeling great with my workouts. The yoga was really helping a lot with my aches and pains! Although, I know my Dr. is pretty laid back, and if he says to do or not do something, I better listen! So, until we can check to see if the placenta has moved, I will be 'taking it easy' as best that I possibly can.


Tiff said...

I had to take it easy with Madison. Luckily I didn't have another child. It was still really frustrating. Let me know how I can help.

Unknown said...

Good Luck! That sounds like no fun.