Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby # 2 (20 weeks)

Well, this week marked half way...Rowan is about 10.5 oz. and about 10 inches head to heal, about the length of a banana. I'm not sure if it is because of the low placenta, but I have not felt much of her movements. I remember Liam doing acrobats at this point, and even Mike felt him move at 19 weeks! We do know that she is indeed moving from the Ultra Sound we had, and I do have a heart monitor that I can hear her heart, so that is reassuring, but it is a little weird that I can't feel her much yet. Anyway, I do have an appointment with the Dr. next Thursday, so I will have a HUGE list of questions regarding this placenta issue, etc. We also should be getting a video recorded since it wasn't working the last time. Looking forward to that appointment for sure!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So is her name Rowan for sure? I like that. Good Luck!