Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bender Ball Review

After our first baby, I did not start to work out regularly till he was about 9 months old. After about 4 months of working out regularly, I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight, but not my ideal weight goal. The tummy area was not where I wanted it to be either, but I didn't stress over it because by then we were planning our 2nd baby. This time round I worked out a lot more during my pregnancy, and it really has paid off because I am almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight and it's only been 4 months! I am not stressing too much about getting to my ideal target weight right now because I am still nursing/pumping and I don't want to mess with my production, but I am focusing on my trouble spot, the tummy! I HATE doing crunches because it hurts my neck and back. I have seen other products that claim to help with the movement, but they often had mixed and/or negative reviews, and were pretty spendy too. So when I saw the 'Bender Ball' infomercial it really caught my eye. It was fairly inexpensive, and overall had decent reviews online. Although I do have to mention that a lot of people said NOT to buy it from their site because they will automatically sign you up for their monthly DVD program, and the customer service to fix the problem stinks. Amazon carries it online...but I was also able to find it at our local Target. The ball was about $20 and it came with 3 work-out DVDs. I have done crunches on my own with it, as well as the program a couple of times, and I have to say I am already feeling a difference. The ball is nice because it supports you enough to where your neck isn't getting bent, but you still need to use your abs so they get a good work out. I will keep it up and report again in a few weeks!


Unknown said...

How do you work it? I need something. I still am not back to my pre-pregnancy weight from 2 years ago! We have been working out at the gym for the last 2 months. I have lost some weight, but can't get rid of the tummy! I am very interested in this ... let me know!

4fayz said...

You place the ball at the small of your back, and the dvd's have you do different types of crunches, and movements...the ball helps to support your back.