Sunday, March 22, 2009

Good Times

I have to say this whole Internet thing we have is pretty cool...I have been connecting with friends from Junior High and High School on Face Book, and surprisingly enough found out that I live about 10 minutes away from a friend I had in Junior High when we lived in New Hampshire! She recently posted some pictures from Junior High and it was just crazy to see myself and everyone else too!

Below is a picture of our 8th grade class at the top of Mt. Cardigan. Part of the curriculum in the 8th grade was to learn and prepare ourselves for a 5 day trip in early October to climb to the top of Mt. Cardigan which is located in the White Mountains in northern New Hampshire. Each subject in school was taken into account. We had scientific experiments to test the water, identify various plants, and birds. We had certain equations we had to learn, and read poems, one I remember was by Robert Frost, 'The Road Not Taken'. We had PT (physical training) so we would be in shape to climb the mountain. I'm not sure if they continue to do this trip, but I think back at that time with fond memories. We learned a lot, and it was in a way that made it really fun. We all felt a sense of accomplishment when we got to the top, and looked around at the beautiful scene. How lucky were we to have such a cool staff to organize this trip for us?!

I'm the one in the lower left, in the pink jacket!

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