Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Close Call

So I stayed in bed a little longer than I should have this morning, and when I decided I should probably get going, I hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom. I heard a news story on the TV about a virus that has been going around infecting computers, and since our computer has been infected I stepped into the bedroom to hear the TV better. The room got black, and before I knew it I did a face plant into the carpet!! I got carpet in my left eye and scratched up my wrist, but other than that I am OK. After all was said and done, I realized how lucky I was that I moved into the bedroom where there is carpet. In the bathroom there is tile, and a counter, and a glass shower I could have seriously hurt or even killed myself falling on! Also, Mike had already left for work, so I would have been all alone had it been more serious. I am feeling very grateful for that story on the news that caught my attention...I guess you could say I was saved by a virus!


desertortoise said...

oh my gosh! Hope you are okay.

Unknown said...

That's what the facebook comment was about. Holy cow - any clue why you fainted? I am glad you are okay! That's scary stuff.

4fayz said...

Thanks...Legs a little sore too, but I seem to be OK now. I don't know why it happened, my only guess is that I got up too quickly and the blood rushed from my head.