Monday, March 7, 2011

Sick day AGAIN.

Liam started to have a fever last Monday evening. He started with a fever and cough. His cough was so bad that he gagged up his food and sometimes his medicine. Usually when he gets a fever it breaks after about 3 days. This one was not going away, so by day 5 we took him to the Dr. The Dr. listened to his lungs, and heard a crackle. He checked his Oxygen too. He wanted to determine for sure if it was a bacterial or a viral infection, so he had us go to the hospital to get an x-ray. While we were waiting to be seen, Liam was getting anxious waiting. We walked around a bit, and we came across a vending machine. He wanted the Doritos, and so I checked my wallet, and there was NO CASH! I called my mom, since she wasn't too far away and asked her to bring some cash. They took us to the back before she arrived, but they told her where we were when she got there. Liam was happy to see Grandma. Liam did really awesome getting the x-ray. He listened to direction, and wasn't scared at all. We got him the Doritos and went home 2 hours later! The Dr. called later that afternoon, and told us that it appeared as he thought, as a viral infection. He thinks it's RSV, so no meds for that...just have to wait it out. Now it's a week after his fever started, and his fever seems to have broke, but his appetite is still gone. And poor Rowan has a fever, and me and Mike are sick too! Ugh, hope this thing clears up soon!!

1 comment:

Becky said...

So sorry, if you need anything let me know.