Thursday, July 1, 2010

Update on Life

Well, the summer is flying by. June was kinda a bummer month because my foot was healing, It is still not 100%, but it is getting better everyday. I miss wearing sandals...and because I can't wear sandals I am also stuck wearing pants too...Oh well! At least it's over with and we can move on.

I have a bag in my closet that I have been slowly putting unworn/unwanted clothes in, and I hope to make some more room for new clothes! I have a tendency to hang onto things for no good reason, but I am really trying to simplify my closet. Even though our house is bigger than the townhouse, our closet space is sadly smaller...and as such I really just need to do a good purging!! Wish me luck :)

It's July already, and I told Mike today that I couldn't believe that Liam will be starting pre-school next month?!?! I hope he does OK. It will be in the afternoon which is when he starts to get tired, so we will just have to see how he does. Thankfully, the school is very accommodating and will work with us, if we have any problems. I do have him on the morning 'wait list' so perhaps there might be an opening. Anyway, Rowan turned 7 months on June 26th! And she is just changing so much all the time...I will be posting updates of both of them soon on their totsite....anyway, here is a really cute picture of them.

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