Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Snips and Snails, and Puppy Dogs Tails

OK, I need to preface this story by saying that I do know that I am a bit of an oddball, but hey that is what makes me, ME. Last night after Rowan had just gone down for bed, we took Liam outside for a bit to play. Mike was watching after Liam, so I decided to get the cushions out for our lawn furniture. We had put the covers in the storage bin the night before because I had hosed down the frames. Anyway, after Liam was in bed, Mike ran to Lowe's to get some new shades for the pergola and pick up dinner since it was so late. I went back out to cover all the chairs and one of the covers had a snail on it! It startled me a bit, and I didn't know what to do with it. I didn't want to kill it, but I had remembered Mike saying they were not good for gardens. I thought of putting it in the bug jar for a while, but I didn't know what they needed and didn't know if it would survive. I walked it down the road to an area that no one really takes care of...There are 2 large trees and some weeds. After Mike got home, I had mentioned it to him, and then he told me it probably wasn't a great place for it because it's really dry over there, and it would probably dry up. I felt kinda bad, and decided to go back to see if I could find it. Mind you, it's 10:30 pm. I took a flash light with me, and as I was looking around, I realized this area is where all the dogs and cats crap! POOP is everywhere! And the ground is pretty sandy, and the weeds are dead. I look for quite a while trying to be careful not to step on the poor guy or the poop. I was about to leave, but I shinned the light under one of the trees and see him! I can't believe I actually found him, but he was all sandy, and I thought he might have died already, but I placed him in the container and as I was walking home he started to climb around again. I found a place for him in the flower bed away from the garden. Anyway, I tell this story because I am trying to teach Liam to be kind to creatures big and small. And I also think stuff like this can be a fun learning lesson for kids. So next time we come across one, we can let Liam look at it and teach him some interesting facts about them. I did a google search on them, and learned a few things myself!

Snails can live up to 5 to 10 years. Some have been known to live up to 15 years.

They have the reproductive organs of both males and females which categorizes them as hermaphrodites. However, the myth that they can create offspring on their own is false. They must mate with another and then both of them will have the ability to lay eggs.

Snails don’t see very well so they have to rely upon their good sense of smell to help them find their prey. They also aren’t able to hear.

Garden snails can move about 55 yards per hour. While they don’t move fast, they do move at a very steady pace. They are believed to be one of the slowest creatures on the entire Earth.

They are nocturnal animals which means most of their movements take place at night.

I also found a series of 'Back Yard' books on Amazon that teaches about all sorts of backyard creatures like snails, bees, ants, etc. I'll have to get some for Liam because he is so interested in those kinds of things right now...cause that's what little boys are made of : )


desertortoise said...

I like that you are you too! Very thoughtful of you to take care of the snail and how fun to have learned more about them too.

Becky said...

Liam would love to see a snail, every day we go looking for ants and roly-polies. He's got his mom's eye for little creatures.