Thursday, February 25, 2010

It Sure Pays Off To Be Persistent

Shortly before our little girl was born our 12 year old washing machine died on us. Well, it started to leak water everywhere, and we figured it would cost more to fix it than it was worth, so we went shopping for a new machine. We were just going to get a new washer since our dryer still worked, but we found a good deal on a set. It came with 2 energy efficient rebates, one from Questar Gas, and one from our power company. The paperwork got set aside for a while, and then Rowan was born and it sat for a little while longer. Finally, I got around to filling it out and come to find out the power company one had a 90 day expiration date. Well, it was only a few days past the 90 days, so I decided to fill it out anyway, in hopes they would forgive a few days. Shortly after that we got a letter rejecting our form for being past the 90 days. I was upset, and tossed the letter in the recycle bin...about an hour later I dug it out, and decided it would not hurt to call them and ask them to reconsider. The nice lady told me that I could write a letter explaining why it was late, and resubmit it...and guess what?!?! We got the check in the mail today! It sure pays off to be persistent : )

1 comment:

Becky said...

Good for you, it does pay to be persistent.