Friday, February 12, 2010

Haircut Day For My Boys

So Mike started growing his hair out after Liam was born a couple of years ago. He had a trim for Liam's 7 month professional pictures, but has not had it cut since...till today! He was kinda getting tired of it, so I made an appointment for him and Liam to have their hair cut with my aunt Gina who is a beautician. Since it was so long, he has decided to donate it to 'Locks of Love'...they are a non-profit organization that makes wigs out of real hair for kids with cancer.

Getting ready to leave...

Sooo long!

Getting cut...

Ta Da!

Liam getting a trim.

Mike being silly...

14 whole inches! (that is 4 inches more than the minimum requirement)

Liam's adorable haircut : )

Dad and Liam after hopefully he won't be called 'Ma'am' at the store anymore!!


Tiff said...

They look so good. Madison's hair is finally longer than Liam's. LOL.

Becky said...

Wow, they both look great, I love it.

Unknown said...

They both look good. Liam looks all grown up now!