Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Rare Site

This morning was a work day, and usually when I go to get Liam up, he pops his head up as soon as I open the door. This morning he did not wake when I opened the door, and still did not wake when I touched his leg, and called his name. This is quite the rare site, so I ran downstairs to get the camera. The flash from the camera finally woke him, but I just thought it was so cute to see him sleep so soundly...it's been a long time!


Unknown said...

That is very cute! Is that a crib he sleeps in?

4fayz said...

Yes, although we are going to attempt to get him to sleep in a toddler bed in the near future...since he is very close to climbing out of his crib.

rut said...

Nothing like seeing one of your little ones asleep--I do love that feeling.

And yes--we, like you, wait until there's actually a risk of the child climbing out of his crib before moving to a bed. Strangely, though, some of our kids have actually slept better in the toddler bed, because it is "their idea".

Beautiful blog, guys!