Friday, May 8, 2009

Liam Goes to the Aquarium

We have a membership to the aquarium too, but we haven't been back there since our first visit last November. We tried going a few weeks ago, but it was really busy because it was a holiday, so we decided to go another time. We FINALLY went this morning, although we went before Liam's morning nap, so he was a bit tired, and not really interested, but we had a great time anyway. They also have added a new exhibit from South America, they had an Anaconda snake, piranhas, frogs, turtles, an electric eel, alligators, spiders and other fish from the was really COOL!

Liam looking at salamander.

He perked up to splash in the sting ray tank!

Little Nemo

Red and white starfish


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great Pictures! That was a fun place. We need to get back there too.