Thursday, May 21, 2009

Garden 2009

We had a community garden for a couple of years when we lived at the townhouse. We had about 3 rows for our plants, which produced more food than you would think. One of the years Mike even made some amazing tomato sauce!! We shared food with the other participants, but found that some took better care of their area than others. Also it got a little frustrating when some would take certain items from your garden before you had a chance to pick it! For the most part it was a good experience, but we are so glad we have our own land now to plant our very own garden!! Mike spent the better part of his 3 day weekend a couple weeks ago getting our garden area ready to plant.

First Mike fixed up my dad's rototiller which is close to 30 years old. It was the same tiller that my dad used in our garden in New Hampshire when I was a kid. He put 22 cubic feet of organic peat moss, and 23 cubic feet of 100% organic sterilized nutri-mulch. Then he tilled it all in, and planted heirloom veggies, and other sorts of veggies...we are pretty excited to have a garden of delicious food this year!


Angie Stewart Black said...

Your garden looks great. Can you guys come down next year and make me some perfect rows??

Becky said...

Wow, that is really impressive, I had forgotten how big it was. It looks beautiful. Now don't forget to preen before the weeds get in it. Liam certainly isn't like his uncle Matt, he used to be afraid of Ladybugs. I still don't know what his big brothers did to start that:)