Saturday, October 8, 2011


So I was nervous ALL week before my surgery. When I got there, they checked me in, and had me make a payment of my share. When I called the insurance company they said they would pay 100% if they were in network, which they are, but I guess we will see after they submit it. Then this girl with dark brown hair came to get me. She asked me how my morning was. I basically said I was nervous. She made small talk while she was preparing me for the twilight medicine. I remember being even more nervous because she kept repeating questions to me...I had hoped she didn't mess up because of it. Then the room got a little fuzzy, and I was basically OUT. I have this memory of the Dr. saying something like 'Oh Crap' or some kind of expletive. After when they were waking me up, I asked one of the girls if the Dr. had any kind of trouble because I remembered him being worried about something. The girl basically said she didn't know because she wasn't there. I also remember a picture of someones mouth on the big TV screen. It didn't look like my mouth, but who knows I was totally OUT OF IT!! Anyway, Mike has been wonderful!! He got me home, picked up my meds, and then watched the kids while I slept the rest of the day. I'm pretty hungry!! But can only have liquids the first 24 hrs. And only soft stuff for about 2 weeks...BLAH. Well, hopefully I can lose some weight out of this experience.


Erica P. said...

Doesn't sound like fun. I hope I never have to do it, but odds are I might at some point. I forget to brush softly. Good luck recovering.

Becky said...

I'm glad you are doing well. Let me know if I can help.