Monday, April 18, 2011

Swing Set Is Finally Done!!

And I only say 'Finally' because the weather was finally nice enough this past weekend to work on it. Friday, the night before we finished the swing set, we let Liam do a marathon nap, and we know it's always a gamble when we do. Most of the time he will sleep through the night, but this night he woke up around 11:30 pm, and stayed awake till about 3am! I let Mike sleep in since he stayed up with him, and then he got started on it around 11 am. Liam played on what was done throughout the day, and crashed pretty hard around his nap time. We decided to wake him from his nap, as to not have a repeat of the night before. So in this video he is still waking from his nap, and it took a little coaxing to get him to go down. He finally did and the darn slide was so steep and fast he landed right on his bum, the poor guy. Thankfully, he only cried for a minute or so, but he was ready to go inside after that.

(Play Video below)
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Anyway, the next morning we found an old dog bed that has about 6 inches of padding, and we placed that at the bottom of the slide and told him he wouldn't hurt his bum. Thankfully he trusted us, and went down and had a great time!! He slid down that thing so many times that day! We are pretty happy with our purchase, even though it was a pain for Mike to install : )

(Play Video below)
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