Thursday, January 21, 2010

Update on Life

You would think being home that I would have plenty of time to blog, but life has been pretty busy lately, and I feel like I don't have enough time to get all the things I want done before I return to work in about a month.

So, what's been going on....Let's see...After about a month of trying, Liam is starting to sleep in his toddler bed. He usually falls out before morning, but it's a good sign that he's understanding that the soft and comfy mattress in his room is for sleeping on : ) I found a slip of paper last night that came with his bedroom set that had 'Guard Rail' on it, so I'm going to call the company to see if they carry that item still. The other morning I went to get Liam from his room and he had taken off his footed pj's AND his diaper!! He was running around completely naked!! I am not sure how long he was doing this, but I'm very glad he wasn't poopy, that would have been a disaster. He had this mischievous grin on his face and giggled when I opened the door. A part of me was upset because I didn't want him peeing on the carpet, but another part of me wanted to fall on the floor laughing...I tried not to react too much because he likes to push my buttons and to make me laugh, so I didn't want him to make a habit of this. Needless to say, we will be putting a onesie on him at night. Rowan is now 8 weeks old. She is growing like a weed! We will find out next week how much she weighs at her 2 month check up. She is much more content to hang out on her own now, and she's starting to sleep in her bassinet. She smiles A LOT! And she's starting to coo, which just melts our hearts.

So other than taking care of the kidlets, I have also been busy with the house. I have been working on projects around the house that I've been wanting done since we moved in a couple of years ago. I have been cleaning up areas in the house. And we took a handful of artwork to be framed last week. And Mike has been hanging others around the house. We have also started to take our negatives of our China trip in '02 to Costco to get them transferred to digital files. We are planning to blow up a bunch of them and hang them on a large wall that is in our family room. That wall gets a fair amount of sunlight, so we didn't want to hang anything we couldn't replace if it faded. I am getting a little stir crazy being home, and I guess that is part of the reason why I've got this energy directed at fixing it up. But, it will be good to have these projects done before I go back to work, since then we will both be so busy and tired to get anything done! Anyway, that is just a brief summary of our life over the last few weeks.


Angie Stewart Black said...

I'm such a the worst friend. I can't believe that your little girl is already two months old and I haven't even met her! She looks stinkin adorable! I can't wait to see her. Sorry I missed you over the holidays. I don't know where all my time went but it flew by and before I knew it, it was time to leave. I swear, when we come up there it is like a whirl wind. So much family to see and parties they plan. Sorry :(

I don't know when I am going to be up there again. I still have your present and maybe if I get ambitious, I will mail it to you. Aren't little girls just the funnest little things???

Becky said...

What a cute picture of Rowan, I just looked back at Liam's pictures on the totsite, what beautiful children you have, and what great pictures you have to remember them by.

desertortoise said...

Very cute pictures of the kidlets as you say. Love the one of Rowan, she has grown so much already! No one would ever expect you to have anytime for are amazing!