Saturday, January 2, 2010

Toddler Bed (Day 15)

So it's been 2 weeks since Liam started sleeping in his toddler bed, or rather sleeping on the floor. After he falls asleep we usually go in and put him in his bed, but he usually finds himself on the floor again before morning. He has not quite got the hang of the whole bed thing, but hopefully with time he will!


Becky said...

hilarious, I love the little feet sticking out. He'll get the hang of it and someday you'll wonder what it will take to get him our of bed:)

Unknown said...

That is exactly what Landon does! I feel bad sometimes, but I just let him sleep on the floor. It seems he sleeps better there anyway!

Tiff said...

At least you don't have him crawling into your bed.