Thursday, September 24, 2009

Baby # 2 Update (30 Weeks)

Well today marks the 30th week of our pregnancy. Rowan is now about 15.7 inches long, and almost 3 pounds, about the size of a head of cabbage. It's so hard to believe that there is only 10 weeks left?! And maybe even less if she decides to come early like her older brother. We hope that she will at least wait until we have celebrated Liam's 2nd birthday party which we are having at aquarium on November 7th, a month before his real birthday. I had been doing pretty good until last night when I was getting Liam ready for bed, and I was sitting on the floor with my legs straight out in front of me. I twisted my leg somehow, and hurt it. I don't think it is muscle related, it feels more severe. At the time it really hurt, but I rubbed it out, and figured it was ok. Then I decided to try my workout, and it seemed to be OK, so I did 5 miles on the stationary bike. Hind sight, it was probably not the best idea...later that evening my leg got really stiff and painful. I read this morning that the hormones produced during pregnancy cause the ligaments that support your joints to become relaxed. This makes the joints more mobile and more at risk of injury. Although the crazy thing is, I wasn't doing anything strenuous, I was just sitting on the floor! Anyway, I think I did something to the joint or a ligament, and I'm hoping that it heals soon....I can barley walk. I joked that now I waddle with a limp. So my next Dr.'s appt is on Monday. Then I do think that I will be going to the Dr. every 2 weeks. Man time is just flying by!

UPDATE 9-28-09
About 24 hrs. after I hurt my knee, it started to feel better, and thankfully it feels all better now. I had my 30 week check up today. Not a whole lot to report. I am feeling her movements more now, although most of the movements are low, and we're guessing its because she is still breech. About this time with Liam, there was a hard spot in the middle of my belly which we called 'Butt or Head', but with her we don't feel any particular body parts...I'm crossing my fingers that she heads down soon!! The doctor agreed that we should check her a little earlier at 34 weeks instead of 37 weeks, since Liam did come 4 weeks early. Next appointment is in 3 weeks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good Luck! Sounds like things are moving right along!