Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's been one of those weeks!

This week has been a bit rough on actually started last week when I got that speeding ticket on Wednesday on the way to the groomers. Then Sunday night I started to feel achy. I woke up Monday morning with daggers in my throat, and felt just awful!! I decided to stay home. Then Tuesday morning I was still feeling down, so decided to stay home another day. That morning Gretchen woke up in the morning coughing and hacking, and yakked a little on the floor. I realized that she must have picked up Kennel Cough at the groomers because she was about 4 months late for her vaccines?!?! I wanted to get some medicine for her asap, so I called up the vet. Thankfully my vet will give antibiotics without seeing her, but his office is a bit of a drive. So, I decided that I would take care of my speeding ticket, and sign up for traffic school since I had to go to Provo anyway. Seeing that I was still feeling sick, I hated having to go out, but was able to get it done without too much trouble. Wednesday I went back to work, felt OK, but not great! Sleeping has been a bit hard too because I'm all stuffed up! Then to top it off Gretchen starts hacking in the middle of the night, and then wakes me up at 4am this morning and I could not get back to sleep. It also SNOWED a ton over night, like over 6 inches. By the time I hit the road this morning the roads were just mostly wet, thankfully...although when I hit 800 North in Orem the sun was glaring on the wet roads and window shield, and being that I'm sick my eyes were watering from the blinding light. I could not see the lines or the street lights, it was pretty scary! Anyway, Wilhelmina is also way overdue for her vaccines, so I'm taking her to the vet this afternoon. The last several times she had her vaccines she has broke out in hives, so I'm hoping to avoid it this time by giving her some Benedryl. I have to go to traffic school on Saturday morning, and I'm hoping I feel better then because it's just been one of those weeks, and I just want to go home and crawl in bed!

Update on Wilhelmina: The vet gave her an injection for her allergy and also a pill to help her reaction. As I was leaving she kinda looked like she was going to throw-up, the vet looked at her, and thought she might be having a reaction to the medicine, and tried to get her to throw-up, but she ended up being OK. She did end up getting a few hives, but the medicine kicked in, and they went away. She's doing well now!

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