Saturday, May 3, 2014

Stuff We've Done Lately

Mike's brother told him about a park in Lehi the other day called Willow Park, so Thursday evening we decided to head over to check it out.  We saw some ducks...

Kids are pretending to fish here
 Rowan on the playset

 A duck in the brush

 Liam doing a pose

Happy girl! 

Then Fridy evening we decided to head to the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point before it ended.  The weather hasn't been too nice since it started, so we caught the tail end of it as the tulips were ending their prime....Oh well, the kids enjoyed going, and then they got ice cream at the shoppe.

Here is Rowan trying to take the display apart.  She said she was trying to dance with it, what do you think? 

Handsome boy! 

Tried to get her to give us a 'Princess Smile'...this is what we got! 

Something new at the Garden...hoping it's pretty cool. 

Some Tulips. 

Then Saturday we took the kids to the first Utah Lego show...both kids have been excited about Legos lately, so figured they would have fun.  They had some pretty cool stuff there. 

Spin art with Legos.

 Super tall batman made of Legos.

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