Thursday, May 3, 2012

Liam's Graduation Pictures

They are not joking when they say the school year flies by before you know it!  It truly doesn't seem that long ago, when I posted his pictures at the start of the school year, and here it is graduation already?!  Liam probably only has one more year at Kids Village, and I am quite sad about that.  The teachers there are so wonderful!  I just hope that when he does go to public school, he won't get too lost in the huge class sizes.  But, I guess we will cross that bridge when the time comes.

We had the end of the year parent teacher conference, and all his teachers praised Liam for being such a good kid.  They said that he has advanced very well with socializing.  He is very good with the other kids, and he's doing well with his writing.  Miss Kelli mentioned that he can be a bit of a worrier, and I told her he probably gets that from me.  She also said that he was a perfectionist, which he probably gets from his dad.  She said that she has a son like that, so she knew just how to help him.  Miss Kelli said we should work on his lower case letters over the summer, but all in all, he has done very well passing off all of his tasks.  We are very proud of him and look forward to seeing his graduation program in a couple of weeks.

If you click on the label 'school pictures' below, you can see the previous ones, and see how he has changed.

1 comment:

desertortoise said...

It's just so grown up looking with those gowns and hats, so proud of him too, way to go Liam!