Rowan is doing great! She has been a lot better about sleeping again. One night she just wanted to be snuggled and rocked, and I totally loved it. It seems she is growing out of that stage where all they want to do is explore, and she is starting to snuggle and hang out more. She loves to give hugs and kisses too...just so cute! I will be updating more about the kids soon on their site...
2 weeks ago I had a dentist appointment, and he recommended that I get a gum graft for a couple of my teeth. Turns out I need it for 3!! On both sides of my mouth not looking forward to it. But hopefully it will help get rid of my sensitivity when I have hot or cold drinks and food. Plus maybe I will lose the rest of my baby weight, that will be nice!
It's that time of year that the yard starts giving us food. We have managed to get some tomatoes and squash from the garden after-all. AND all four of our fruit trees produced this year! Even the the little peach tree we planted in the spring gave us a bunch! It's been really nice! Mike spent the day yesterday canning pears. I feel bad I wasn't able to help, but I had to watch Rowan since she is only down to one nap now! Thankfully, we canned so many peaches last year, we have enough for the next year. Anyway, not a whole lot else going on...just got to figure a costume for Rowan...Liam made it easy for me this year by telling me he wants to be a skeleton :)