Saturday, December 19, 2009

Toddler Bed (Day 1)

So Liam officially started climbing out of his crib yesterday, and fast! We knew this day was coming, and knew he was capable of climbing out for several months now, but he had just not tried it until now. He generally was OK taking his nap and going to bed, so we felt it was safest to leave him in his crib. But in the last few days he has really been upset about nap time and bed time, and has started to fight us. Then after escaping his crib several times, we decided it was safer to transition his crib to his toddler bed. For his nap time, he fought us for a long time, we eventually just shut the door and locked it from the outside. After about 20-30 minutes he sat down by his crib. He put his blanket over his head like a ghost, and in the monitor we could see his ghost head wobble back and forth until he eventually fell over onto the floor. He slept for about 90 minutes. Not TOO bad I guess for his first time without his crib. Then this evening, he fought us again. We offered to tuck him in, but he would have none of it! We eventually just had to leave the room again. Mike went to check on him since we couldn't see him on the video monitor. He had fallen asleep on his changing pad that is on the floor! We both got a good laugh about that. Hopefully he will start to get the idea that the mattress in the room is the most comfortable place to sleep! These next few weeks sure will be interesting, if nothing else.


Becky said...

I love it, what a great story. He's a smart boy, he'll figure it out quickly.

desertortoise said...

It was so good to see you guys. I just love how much energy Liam has. I try to imagine him all worn out and falling asleep under his blanket..haha.

Tiff said...

Once he gets it the toddler bed is great! At least he is still falling asleep, Madison wouldn't unless we were holding her hand.