Monday, February 9, 2009

Spring Fever! (Life Update)

So, I know I haven't been blogging much lately. Not a whole lot of new stuff has been going on lately, so I haven't had much to say. Although I do try to blog on Liam's totsite at least twice a month to give an update on him. (That site is linked off to the side,under 'my sites'-->>) I have been pretty lax about my workout lately. I finally have dropped down to my pre-pregnancy weight, so my motivation has also dropped. BUT, I do want to keep up my routine, maybe not quite as intense, but I would like to continue something, just to keep in shape and to stay healthy. I am looking forward to springtime. It will be nice when the weather gets warmer and we can do activities outside!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congrats on dropping to pre baby weight. How much did you have to take off to meet that goal? Congrats! I am starting big time now on my diet (okay in a few days for real). I have 9 lbs to get to my pre baby weight & 19 to where I want to be. That's not bad considering I guess.