Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Gretchen's Groom

Gretchen was looking a bit shaggy, so today she went in for her grooming. When I got out her car harness this morning she got so excited because she knew she was going somewhere. I told her if she knew where she was going, she wouldn't be so excited. Since she has such long hair, and it grows so quickly, and I'm so busy (and a little lazy), we like to have it cut pretty short. The first picture is of today's groom, and the one in the car is a picture of her on the way home from a groom that she had last year. I found that picture on our computer, and wanted to post it because she looks so happy to have the wind on her face. It is true that dogs love to put their head out the car window!


Unknown said...

She is very pretty!

Nava_jo said...

Isn't it great when the dog is so happy to go for a ride. OUr lil' chihuahua gets so happy to on rides even if its just to WalMart. Pets really are like having children sometimes.